Thursday, February 6, 2014

A valuable member of the 1st Pet team-Trinity

If you have ever had a pet in our Emergency department or ICU you may have met Trinity. This February marks 10 years that Trinity has been with 1st Pet.

Trinity's love of animals had her working in the veterinary field since she was 16 years old. She started out in general practice and then found herself loving Emergency/ICU.  She loves taking care of patients, especially  those in critical care.

Trinity also enjoys the nursing aspect of working in the ICU. The patients become her “pets” while she is taking care of them and she is constantly trying to think of ways to improve their well being. Her favorite part of her job is being able to reunite families with their pets once they have recovered. 

Trinity and her husband have been together for 22 years and have 2 daughters (15 & 5) and a house full of pets. They have 4 dogs; Ripley - Boston Terrier/Min Pin mix age 13,  Tank - Greater Swiss Mountain Dog age 10, Doc Holliday - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel age 9, and Pickles - Wirehair Dachshund age 6. They also share their home with Chowder – a Domestic Shorthair age 3, Sonora – a Desert Tortoise  age 16 years, Nacho – a Quaker Parrot age 9 months, Clover – a Lionhead Bunny age 3 months, and Assorted Freshwater Fish.

Her family enjoys spending time together going on day hikes with the dogs, going to Dog Shows and reading.  Trinity is obsessed with owls.  Her house is covered in all things owls and even has a Northern Saw Whet Owl tattooed on her arm.

Trinity says she is known as the "breed snob" at work but actually the term everyone uses is “breed encyclopedia”.  She has always been interested in the different breeds of dogs and cats and has owned several different breeds through the years.  However she has NOTHING against mutts! One of her most favorite dogs is a scruffy little terrier mix with an under-bite!

Trinity is an amazing part of our team!

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