Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Faces of Compassion (just a few out of many)

1. a feeling of deep sympathy accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate suffering.

The first thing that I noticed when I started working at our 3 hospitals is the compassion that is everywhere. The receptionists, the doctors, the techs, everyone I have worked with cares, and cares an enormous amount. 

It really touches my heart when I see a pet brought in the back for one procedure or another and being talked to (always in a kind voice) having explained to them what’s going on and being told that they are ok. Moms and dads if you have ever wondered what goes on when they are away from you, regardless of what your pet needs done, they are being loved and comforted.

I have seen a tech sit on the floor with a cat getting a blood transfusion and pet him the entire time. I have watched as techs and doctors have caressed the paw of a sick pet. I have seen lots of hugs and petting and comforting, and did I mention petting? There is LOTS of that going on. 

I have seen people going out of their way to come over and say hi to a pet and tell them they are so happy to see them again and call them by name. You can feel the love that the doctors and techs and receptionist have as they care for each pet that comes through the hospital doors, and it is all three hospitals, every day. I feel so blessed to work with so many compassionate people. 

Written by Debe, Our Social Media Coordinator

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