Thursday, May 19, 2011

What does my BAD cat need?

You feed and groom her. You tell her she's wonderful and give her plenty lap time. Great going. But it's not enough. Orchestrated playtime is increasingly being prescribed by experts. You and the cat. Together. Regularly and often.

It's a crucial piece of creating the kind of environment that fosters happier, less stressed and more fit felines, they say.

Though some cat owners came to realize long ago that engaging cats in activity was not only amusing to watch but reduced kitty boredom and 3a.m. mischief making, "it's surprising how many people don't realize how important this kind of environmental enrichment is for all cats," says renowned cat behavior cat consultant Pam Johnson-Bennett, author of several cat books. "There's still a very strong feeling among many people that cats are no-maintenance."

Toys that experts like, and dislike 

Some experts love laser pointers to provide stalking and exercise opportunities; others hate them. Author Pam Johnson-Bennett is among the latter.
"The cat follows it, leaps on it but never really catches anything or even makes contact with anything," so its an exercise in perpetual frustration, she says.
She's also not a fan of "toys that are battery-operated and kind of frantic and large," because they make many cats feel less like the stalker than the stalkee. But it's important to learn your cat's preference, and cats differ greatly."
Revving up interactive activity can solve behavior problems. "When you have a Ferrari, and you're leaving it in the parking garage, you're going to have problems," says Johnson-Bennett, once a lone voice promoting action-oriented interactive play. In recent years, most experts have become a chorus trumpeting its virtues. "Cats needs activity and stimulation," she says, "and opportunities to be challenged."

That doesn't mean tossing cats outside, hoping they'll stalk a bird, will be enough. "We want them inside, as that's where they're safe," she says. And just leaving a furry mouse toy on the floor won't suffice, though that's good for solo play.

The human engaging the cat in ways that prompt the animal to use stalking skills and brainpower is the way to go - allowing Fluffy to be the mighty hunter so emotional, mental and physical needs are met, Johnson-Bennett says.

Wand toys are great for that, and some cats love playing fetch or stalking items you haul around on a string.

Creating ways for the cat to keep busy while you're not there is also important, she says, such as employing kitty puzzle toys or puppy-size food-filled Kongs the cat shoves around to get to the treats.
Some of the best toys cost next to nothing. Johnson-Bennett often tosses around a paper bag with a Ping-Pong ball inside, or empty tissue boxes or paper towel rolls with something inside.

Some people think multi-cat households require no such effort. Wrong. Cats may play together and that's great, but it's not enough. "Two cats can be as inactive and depressed as one," Johnson-Bennett says. Even if they seem content, if the prey-drive need isn't met, they're not fully satisfied. Also: Interactive playtime must be seperate with each cat.

"Play therapy is not a luxury," she says. "It's a necessity."

-Joan Fairman Kanes; USA TODAY

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